The end has finally come!

Hardest journey of my life — ughhh

Viviana Guzman
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readMay 15, 2019


Our DOT has finally ended. Yay! This journey was a very hard experience. Having to ensure that I did not eat meat was a struggle. Before starting this project I believed it was easy but it was the total opposite. During the time of my DOT project my family all knew I was going vegetarian and for some reason they thought that was a chance to eat meat in front of my face (boo!). I would say that this obstacle almost got the best of me since this whole vegetarian thing was new to me.

All the data of my DOT project was recorded on my Google sheets. I managed to save 11 pounds of animal products (beef, chicken, fish, pork) during the time that was given to complete this project. Something that I have learned about myself is that I am able to endure not eating meat for several weeks in a row, even when I am being teased (which sucks by the way). Am I going to continue this project? The answer is no because it is way to stressful for me and way too much to deal with but I will most certainly start eating healthier to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

I believe everyone should do this project to try something new and get to know more about themselves. For example, while I won’t continue being a strict vegetarian, I have learned that I like to eat salads and will happily eat more of these from now on. What might you learn about yourself? You won’t know until you try.

