Photo by Arturo Castaneyra on Unsplash

The end…or the beginning?

Zoe Savidis
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readJun 5, 2019


Well, the time has come, my friends. The DOT project is officially OVER! This project was one of the most challenging experiences I’ve had. I made a big effort to stay committed to my goal. I’m proud of how I did during the DOT project and I’m extremely excited for the future.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, the DOT project was a project that the 8th graders at my school had to do in our science class. To sum it up, we had to make a change in our lifestyle for 4 weeks that would benefit the earth and positively impact our ecological footprint. We took a test to see what our ecological footprint was, and how to make it smaller. Click here to take the test. After taking the test, I found out that a huge percentage of my ecological footprint was from my Co2 emissions by car. So, I stopped driving anywhere that was not a walkable or bikeable distance.

In 4 weeks, I saved 6.4 gallons of gas. And that’s only from one month! If I had continued for a year I would have saved about 83.2 gallons of gas. What this project did for me was open my mind to things I hadn’t thought about before. It not only made me realize my effect on the Earth and global warming, but also made me realize that anything I can do to help is worth it. After this activity, I knew that I wanted to keep walking instead of driving as much as possible. I probably won’t do it as frequently, but I will give it my best effort. Maybe in the future, I’ll do something a bit more bold like go vegetarian or take shorter showers.

Finally, I encourage you, reader, to take matters into your own hands and so something to change your lifestyle to help save the Earth. The change starts with us, and ends with us.

Let’s do this!

