The Journey Concludes

A successful end to a DOT Project

Christian Ortiz
2 min readMay 16, 2019

This DOT Project was honestly not that bad, considering I didn’t quit eating meat or some other weird thing. Instead, I chose to take shorter showers, and the results were surprising. According to my data, if I hadn’t reduced my shower time, I would’ve used 580 gallons in 4 weeks. But because of my DOT Project, I managed to save 432.5 gallons for every 4 weeks. To further this, assuming I made kept my showers exactly at how I did during this project, my projected saving is 5622.5 gallons of water per year. This may not seem like it can do a whole lot for the environment, so to prove it can help, I calculated how much water would be saved if the whole world took showers like this. This number adds up to roughly to 42.3 billion gallons of water saved per year globally.

From here on out, I’ve decided not to continue my DOT project intentionally. I’ve sorta gotten into the habit of it, so I may shorten showers subconsciously, but I just don’t have the stamina to be consistent enough to actually have an impact. I also don’t want to record data every day and time my showers. Additionally, I have gained a high amount of respect for my peers who have been consistently vegetarian or vegan, I know there’s no way in this universe I could’ve done that successfully.

In conclusion, I’d like to encourage anybody reading this to try out a DOT project of your own, as anything to help towards the environment even in the slightest can help.

*Not how water waste works in reality



Christian Ortiz

I’m an 8th grade student desperate to get an A in Ms.Riggen’s science class.