what is saving water.

The journey of saving water

This is my final post because I have learned how to save water.

Ana perla garcia
2 min readMay 8, 2019


During my DOT project I saved about 253.84 gallons of water. This project taught me that I shouldn’t underestimate myself before I’ve even tried something. In my previous post I stated that I was confident in myself with this project but that is only half true. At that point I was feeling confident but before starting the project I was worried about being able to speed up my showers, tracking the time correctly, and keeping it all going for four weeks — that’s a long time! But as it turned out, I was able to complete all three tasks.

It was really funny watching my friends who had decided to go vegetarian work to do their projects. Especially in the cafeteria, I watched them struggle through meals and noticed that their projects were really about being able to resist temptations and to not give up. My project also involved resisting temptation — sometimes the warm water felt so relaxing — but it wasn’t to the same degree as my vegetarian friends (Leah Blanco, Luisa Vasquez, Viviana Guzman).

Since the DOT project officially ended, I have kept up with taking shorter showers. I’ve gotten used to spending less time in the water and have changed some of my routines. For example, I now wash my hair every other day instead of every day so this saves time and water. I have also had an impact on my family. Not only do they no longer yell at me to get out of the shower, my brother and grandmother have also reduced their shower times after I have taught them about why it is important to stop wasting water. It feels good knowing that I am helping the environment by keeping this change going.

Image result for helping the environment by saving water



Ana perla garcia

hey i am Ana Perla Garcia i dont like school very much but i still go because i have to go and my mom makes me but i’m from el Salvador.