The Rough End has Come

Neftali Hernandez
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readMay 23, 2017

Well, looks like it’s over. My rough DOT project has finally ended. If you have been reading my posts you know that I started my DOT by going vegetarian. Well, that didn't last. If you read my latest post you know that I just cannot go vegetarian. I rely too much on meat. I changed my DOT project to shorter showers and it turned out to be a lot better.

Now that I have done it for almost a month, I think that I might keep doing it, just not exactly under 2 minutes. If i’m going to keep doing this, I think I will try to do it under 5 minutes. I didn’t really like doing under 2 minutes or under 1 minute because it felt too rushed and I think that under 5 minutes should be enough time.

Looking at everybody else and their projects, I don’t feel like tackling anything else(especially going vegetarian or vegan). Doing this project felt like I was actually making a difference. My flow rate was 3 gallons of water a minute, and for my baseline I saw that I take about 12 to 14 minutes in the shower. That’s 42 gallons every day that I wasted. When I started my project, I tried to do it under 3 min and it felt good to know how much I was saving.

