Time to relax

Air drying clothes can be relaxing???

Kate Bukowski
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 3, 2019


As these days go on, I’m beginning to realize why air drying my clothes in the middle of winter/spring was a bad idea. Not wanting to put my clothes outside in the freezing cold — for fear they will freeze and will make my life so much harder — has really put a dent in my plans. The weather has forced me to keep my clothes in my bathroom where it takes multiple hours for them to fully dry. As someone who is very active, it’s hard to wait 10 hours for my clothes to dry if I need a certain article of clothing for my activity the next day. Without the help of the sun or warm weather, I am slowly suffering as the days go on.

So far, my favorite thing about this DOT project is when my clothes come out of the washing machine and my mom and I talk and joke around while hanging up my clothes in my bathroom. These conversations give me time to relax after a long day. So with that, I bring you topics to talk/think about while hanging up your clothes to air dry.

Possible topics:

  • School: This could be anything from classes to drama to gossip and so forth.
  • Spring break plans: Spring break is coming up and you might want some time to talk about your plans.
  • Prompts: These could be prompts for art, writing, or even outfit ideas to spark some inspiration while air drying your clothes. I found an awesome website for art prompts if you want to check it out.
  • What you are going to wear for the next day: You never know, as you’re hanging up your clothes you might find a pair of clothes that go really well together that you’ve never thought about before.
  • The Tea (As my mom calls it): Basically, you just spill anything about anyone to the person you’re talking with.

And with that, I have run out of ideas. I hope you enjoy these tips and try some of these topics out. Don’t forget to air dry your clothes!

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