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Tips To Help You Succeed In Taking Shorter Showers

Genevieve Harris
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 2, 2019


It’s been two weeks since I’ve begun the DOT project along with my 8th grade classmates. The DOT project stands for Do One Thing, where you commit to adjusting or changing one of your daily activities in order to make it more sustainable. For my DOT project, I decided to shorten the length of my showers to help conserve water.

While participating in this activity my shower lengths have changed from an average of 25 minutes to no more than 7 minutes, saving 90 gallons of water per shower. These last two weeks I have noticed how easily I lose track of time in the shower. At the beginning of this project, to keep track of the duration of my showers, I used a stopwatch but I noticed what a difficult time I was having to shorten my showers since I was so used to the long and relaxing ones. Below are a few of the strategies that have helped and motivated me to continue taking shorter showers.

Create a Shower Playlist

To help ensure my showers stay under 7 minutes I created a playlist with about 3 songs that last about that amount of time. Then, I’ll know when my time in the shower is up and when its time to get out. The shower playlist can also help make your showers more enjoyable and fun!

Photo by Mildly Useful on Unsplash

Complete Some Activities Outside Of Shower That You Would Normally do Inside the Shower

Another strategy I have used to help shorten the lengths of my showers is eliminating activities I previously did in the shower such as washing my face and brushing my teeth. Completing them outside of the shower has helped cut my shower time drastically.

Have The Last Seconds In the Shower be Under Cold Water

Lastly, another strategy I use when I’m having an especially difficult time getting out of the shower is changing the temperature from steamy hot to ice cold. This motivates you to get out since it makes being in the shower less enjoyable. I also love ending my showers with cold water because it wakes you up and you feel so energized!

I hope these strategies motivate you to take on this challenge as well and know that you can do it!

