Tired of going to the gym? Try going vegetarian.

Three nutritious vegetarian recipes I love.

Sabine Kimball
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
3 min readApr 2, 2019


Going vegetarian might seem like a struggle but really there are some delicious recipes that provide all the nutrition that you need. Many people argue against vegetarian and vegan diets because they think there isn’t enough protein in the diet or that there are some vitamins that can only be provided by animals and by giving up meat, you can’t get all the vitamins you need. In reality, you can find almost everything you need in a vegetarian diet, and most definitely in a pescatarian diet, which is what I’m doing for my DOT project. People just don’t bother finding foods that taste good that provide these things. It’s a lot easier than you think though. Here are three of my favorite vegetarian foods that are super healthy.

  1. Spinach Lasagna Rolls

Now I know how this sounds: Eww, spinach. I felt the same the first time I tried it — then I promptly fell in love with it. On top of the taste, it’s also really good for you. Spinach has iron in it, which often times people find in meat. It is also rich in vitamin K, C, A, and B2, and is a source of manganese and magnesium.

2. Vegetarian Chili

This is chili 2.0. Even though you can’t have meat in the chili, you can add vegetarian “meat” to it so it retains the same taste, and keeps the nutritional value. As I said before, many people are worried there isn’t enough protein in a vegetarian diet but beans have lots of protein. Chili is majority beans, so it is a protein-rich meal, as well as being absolutely delicious if seasoned correctly (onion, oregano, chili powder, etc.).

3. Berry Smoothie

I love smoothies because they’re so easy to make and taste amazing. You can also customize them easily to make them fulfill your cravings perfectly. On top of that, they’re healthy! Personally, I prefer ones with berries, so some of the nutrients you can get from a berry smoothie are vitamin A, K, and C, along with antioxidants. All of these components help to improve bodily functions. These benefits can vary depending on the ingredients you use, which is also awesome. You can adjust smoothies to help you get all the nutrients you’re missing at that moment.

Meat tastes great. I can’t deny this and I get why people might not want to give that up. But there are some delicious recipes for when you go through a sad spell and miss eating meat. Oh and I almost forgot the best vegetarian food ever made — chocolate.



Sabine Kimball
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project

8th grader at Oyster Adams Middle. Going Pescatarian for a month. Yay!