Trying out Vegetarianism

Raquel Diamond
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readMar 22, 2019


“Be the change you wish to see in the world”

-Mahatma Gandhi

My 9 year old sister has been vegetarian since the beginning 2019. She made it look so easy even though my mother would make her a separate meal every time she made a non vegetarian meal. Therefore, when my eight grade science teacher made us do the Do One Thing (DOT) project to help save the environment I was quickly inspired by my sister to go vegetarian for a month just to try it out.

I love the idea that my school is doing this DOT project because it helps young students understand how important it is to help our enviroment. For exmple, in class we watched many documentaries about how awfully we humans are harming the planet. We had to take notes and while we took notes I was realizing that there were so many ways we were harming the planet, it was shocking. One of the videos we watched was cowspiracy, it was a documentary about how eating meat is one of the biggest ways we are harming the earth.

Cows realease methane, a chemical compaound(CH4), which is worse than Carbon Dioxide(CO2) because it traps up to 100 times more heat in the atmosphere than Carbon Dioxide within a 5 year period, and 72 times more within a 20 year period. It is a lot more dangerous, therefore this is why I chose to go vegetarian.

So far I have gone less than a week of being vegetarian and I have already been facing some chalenges. For example, one morning my grandfather offered me smoked salmon to put on my bagel because I always eat smoked salmon on my bagel, but I had to say no and that was really hard because it looked so good…

