Two weeks and I already screwed up… four times

I miss meat.

Maeve Lopez
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
3 min readApr 3, 2019


Photo by Alex Munsell on Unsplash

I literally had to change my title because originally it was only two times but I messed up twice since that. I know — I suck at this. Anyway, let me tell you how I messed up those four times.

The beginning

The first time was a genuine accident. I was being lazy on a Sunday (shocker) and made my mom go get me a breakfast sandwich from Starbucks. In my defense, it was very early on a Sunday morning and my brain wasn’t working. So my mom “happily” went to Starbucks and bought me the sandwich. I forgot to tell her that I was vegetarian and she came back with a double smoked bacon cheddar and egg sandwich. Oh my god, it was so good. I ate it happily without even thinking there was bacon inside. Afterwards, my stomach started to hurt a LOT. And I was very confused as to why. I thought to myself, “What did I eat today? All I had was water and a bacon… Oh.” That was how I screwed up the first time.

Halfway There

The second time, however, I knew exactly what I was doing. I just didn’t really care. I was at lunch eating with my friends and I opened my lunch box and my lunch was gross. And there was no way I was going to eat it, so I actually got school lunch, which to be honest, isn’t much better but it was my only option. I got it and walked back to my table and just as I was about to take a bite, my friend Jan asked me, “Wait doesn’t that have meat in it?” And I thought for a second. But in the end I didn’t end up caring.

I know. I’m sorry. I’m almost finished

Now for the third time I’m sorta guilty but not that much. I was at my friend’s house and her parents asked us to make dinner. We agreed and we started cooking. Everything was going fine and the food was almost finished. And the moment her parents walked down the stairs I realized my friend and I made BEEF tacos. I was so devastated. I told her and her parents that I forgot I was vegetarian and they felt really bad. They offered to help me make a “special” taco but I declined because 1) I don’t want to be that annoying guest, and 2) I knew the vegetarian tacos weren’t going to be as good as the beef ones.(Not the best reason but still a good one.) So I just gave in and ate the beef ones. And they were delicious.

If you are still here then…this last one is “interesting”

Ok. So this last one happened on Monday. I was in math class during lunch helping Ms. Mazier grade papers. (Sorta but please don’t ask her.) Once I finished eating my own lunch, I realized I was still hungry because I just had a piece of bread to eat. So I casually walked up to her and asked her if i could have some of her salad. She responded, “But it has chicken.” and then I said, “I literally don’t care I’m starving.” AND DON’T WORRY. I know that my response sounded a little aggressive but she laughed so it’s fine. So she gave me some of her Caesar salad and it tasted SO GOOD. Seriously, though. She should be a chef.


I think that based on how I’ve been doing/feeling for these past few weeks, eating a controlled amount of meat is just fine. I think it’s healthier to eat a little bit of meat a week as opposed to a crazy amount or none. You have to get your protein in somehow. And, yes, I know that you can get protein from beans, but it’s just not the same. Don’t come for me please.



Maeve Lopez
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project

Hi I’m in 8th Grade at Oyster Adams, and for this project, I’m going vegetarian. :)