Use more reusable bags

Laura Almonte
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project


Hello, my name is Laura Almonte. I currently attend Oyster-Adams. I am in the 8th grade. For my DOT Project I will be using more reusable bags and less plastic. As humans most of us don’t really know how plastic is affecting us. Most of us just see plastic as something we use at stores or something we can use for our own pleasure. Aside from that we need to see how this is harming our poor animals.

Laysan albatross with a stomach filled with plastic.

According to the MCS, animals that eat plastic bags feel a “false sensation of fullness or satiation” as the litter can stay in the stomach and lead to infections, starvation and death.

To learn more about how plastic is harming the animals, check out this BBC article.

I am doing this project because I really think me and my mom can actually start something good to help our poor animals and our environment. It’s as simple as just bringing a reusable bag to stores and throwing away trash in the correct bin. This project also inspired me to show a message to all the people out there that we should make a change and help ourselves before its too late.

