Vegetarian XD

Eric Hernandez
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project


Hi, I am Eric Hernandez from Oyster Adams Bilingual School . Today I explain my journey of my Do One Thing project . First of all, I chose to go vegetarian because beef agriculture is killing the Amazon rainforest. It is also the main contribution to global warming.

After watching the movie Cowspiracy, I found out that animal agriculture is killing the world. Animal agriculture takes 45% of the world’s land. Also, if we continue going the way we are going, the Amazon rainforest can be gone in the next 10 years.

What really made me go vegetarian is that I realized how unhealthy it is. Also, animal agriculture is killing our world. So we need to stop this! In order to stop this, I will go vegetarian! It’s a really hard experience but that’s my challenge.

My journey is to go vegetarian until April 23rd. I will not eat beef, chicken, fish, and pork. It’s going to be difficult to avoid food with meat because it’s very delicious.

I recommend everyone tries to avoid eating meat everyday. You all should try to eat meat once a week . We need to save our world. We can’t waste that much water on animals. There’s a lot of places that need more water. So if we stop eating meat, we will help those countries. One of the most affected country is here United States!

