Week two of being vegetarian

Roberto Diaz
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 3, 2019

Throughout the past 2 weeks I have faced many challenges. I didn’t eat meat and I was about to but I didn’t. All my family loves meat and chicken and they’re always eating meat in front of me.

Yesterday I was about to go to Chipotle but then I remembered that I was vegetarian and I just looked at the food and had memories of how good it was. On Monday of the second week it was really hard because I forgot about everything and I forgot I was vegetarian but right when I was about to eat meat I didn’t.

This has been a challenge for me because when I’m running track I don’t feel good sometimes because I’m missing protein so I went and bought some protein bars and now I’m back to normal.

By Saturday and Friday I gave up of week two and my mom and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings and got a lot of chicken wings for my family and we ate them and watched a movie and I realized that sometimes food can make you happy.

One website that I found was https://www.downtoearth.org/go-veggie/top-10-reasons. This website teaches us about 10 reasons why being vegetarian is good for you and why you should be vegetarian.

So do you wanna make a change or die not trying?

