Week One: Initial Progress

Alejandro Edwards
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 10, 2017

After one week of trying to reduce my own use of fossil fuels I realized that it is very difficult to do this on the weekend because I go to Maryland or Virginia to visit family or something else. So I realized that the weekends aren’t so great for my DOT project.

Also, during my DOT project on days when I need to use automotive transportation I try to use public transportation more because it is a better alternative than driving a car. Public transportation reduces the use of fossil fuels because multiple people that could be riding in their own car using more fossil fuels that cause GHG emissions are sharing the ride together.

To wrap up, after my first week of my DOT project I realized that on the weekends trying to reduce my use of of fossil fuels is pitiful because on the weekends we go outside of DC. Also I try to use more public transportation because it saves energy and it is an alternative to reduce the use of fossil fuels.



Alejandro Edwards
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project

8th grader who just gonna walk so he can save some gas money to get some new sneakers… and to reduce his use of fossil fuels.