What happens when you take away meat from a preteen

Jocelyn Arias
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 28, 2017
me coping with my project

I was taking a stroll with my good pal Susan on our way home and we noticed our bellies making a noise “ grrrsfjs” grumble grumble. We happened to be right across from KFC (finger lickin’ good). We both did not hesitate to run across the street (of course when the cars were all gone). We had a parade all the way into the store. Well, you know the rest of the story. I had forgotten about this commitment I am supposed to make and the juicy chicken was now in my belly.

Making a major change in this society is hard. Just kidding, I’m just too lazy to make these commitments. But it’s hard knowing animal-based foods are much easier to access. Here’s an article about how many KFCs there are in the US.

Vegetarianism has made me paranoid and more controlling. I’d like to think I’m just organized with my priorities but that’s not true. My mom made tacos and added a hint of pork to the vegetarian ones that were mainly beans and I couldn’t eat with my family. **cries in Spanish**

