What inspired me to become vegetarian

Jocelyn Arias
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readMar 23, 2017


To be completely honest, I did it because it was supposed to be a project for science. I know I would have never considered becoming vegetarian because I live in a household where if you don’t eat meat you’re considered weak or no longer a family member (just jokes). However back to the project part I knew becoming vegetarian would help the environment based on its impact on climate change, etc.

Why will becoming vegetarian help towards climate change? i mean it has nothing to do with burning fossil fuels right? Correct. However cows produce methane, which is 23 times more potent than carbon dioxide so it is a bigger problem that is being released every second.

One person can start a change. One by one we can all help the earth become slightly less polluted and destroyed :) Now for the radish song to lighten your mood. If you plan to become vegetarian you will crave sandwiches and chicken drumsticks all day long.


