What’s wrong, too scared?

Different country. No problem for vegetarians!

Brady Briggs n.
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 26, 2019


That looks good.

Week 2–3, very nutritious and extremely delicious. I have everything I need protein, iron, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and omegas. These are only some of the many nutrients I get with being vegetarian. There are so many sources for protein. For example eggs, tofu, lentils, quinoa, peas and more.

Guess what? I’m in China!! I'm in China and am still vegetarian. Before I was here I was thinking in my head that there was no way I could continue being vegetarian in China but, here I am. You wouldn't think it but there are so many great, delicious options for vegetarians in China. I just might have to move here for the vegetarian food. No matter where I go…sit down, fast food and even street food, has what I’m looking for. In China business owners are starting to catch onto the trends that vegetarianism and veganism are growing and becoming more widespread. Therefore the article “CHINA’S MEAT CONSUMPTION CONTINUES TO DROP AS INTEREST IN VEGANISM SOARS”. Read this it convinced me that I would be fine in China and I am sure it will do the same for you.

However, I have had some difficulties. Especially because I love eating meat and I mean, I’m in China, even harder. Particularly when I’m sitting around a big table watching my friends stuff themselves(literally stuff themselves like a stuffed animal), with chicken, pork and beef, my favorite, its really hard to stay true to being vegetarian. No offense to my friends. Oh and one more thing, if you ever hear someone in China say “That’s a five star bathroom”(5 star=nice), they are under appreciating, it’s more like a ten star!

That looks good. I mean that was good. Keep active, you haven't heard the last of me.

