DOT Project

Why waste it? Compost it!

Composting is the only way!!

Bezawit Admasu
2 min readMar 21, 2019


Have you ever wondered about where all the food that you were too full to eat went? Well now you will know that it goes into the dump and becomes landfill.When food goes to the dump, that nutrients is locked in the landfill forever and will never be able to become soil. Food waste in the landfills also create more methane and that is very, very bad because of global warming and the amount of CO2 going into the atmosphere. Isn’t that so sad? Food going to waste and adding to the landfill? You might think, “Oh well. I couldn’t do anything anyway” right? WRONG! There is an answer and it’s composting.

I am an eighth grader in D.C. composting for my Do One Thing (DOT) Project. By composting I will be able to lower the amount of waste in the landfills because not all of the things in the dump are garbage. Some things can be composted and become soil for plants. Some of the things could also be recycled or reused.

Composting is a process that causes the quick decomposition of food and quickly recycles it into organic ingredients ready to be used. What was once waste becomes a soil conditioner that can help grow new food. By composting, you are recycling and returning the nutrients in the food to the ground to grow more food. Composted soil is very good for growing plants.

Photo by Rachel Park on Unsplash

“The ground’s generosity takes in our compost and sprouts beauty! Try to be more like the ground.” — Rumi

If we start composting consistently now, then there would definitely be less waste in the landfills. In 2012, 20% of “garbage” sent to landfills was food. For example, many cities, including New York City, are trying to address this issue of too much waste.

Picture by Google

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” — Doctor Seuss, The Lorax

