Why you should try to be a vegetarian for a month

A month long journey to encourage sustainability

Graham Tribble
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readMar 18, 2019


My name is Graham Tribble and I am an 8th grade student at Oyster-Adams Middle School. Our school has a Do One Thing (DOT) project, where you have to change some aspect of your lifestyle to become more sustainable. Whether you decide to take shorter showers or go vegan, anything sustainable goes. The point of this project is to combat the thought that individuals like us can’t do anything against climate change while in reality we can do so much! People think that only the governments and big corporations can do anything, and it is true they would be a tremendous help in this battle against climate change, but people can help too! The reason I chose to go vegetarian was because one quarter pound of hamburger requires 660 gallons of water! That’s right, 660 gallons. That’s enough water for a human to survive for over 3 years! In fact, meat production is the most resource-intensive practice in the world. Global production of livestock contributes 51% of all greenhouse gas emissions. Cowspiracy is a fantastic documentary that talks more about this.

Our generation is facing an extreme challenge but if everybody contributed just a little bit, we can overcome this challenge and save our planet. That’s why I am encouraging you to change a small aspect of your lifestyle, whatever you want. We can save our planet.



Graham Tribble
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project

My school has a do one thing project to become more sustainable for a month, and so we are here to document our progress.