Development Update August 24, 2018

Taylor French
2 min readAug 24, 2018


Today’s development update will focus on the week completed between August 19th — August 24th, 2018.

This week the development team continued work on moving all data map chunks out of SQL and into badger. The team has been focusing on putting the badger changes behind a feature flag and updating unit tests so that all code will still work regardless of whether Oyster’s backend infrastructure is using badger or MySQL for storing the chunks. Additionally, the team is making updates to a pull request to put these changes into the master branch. Once these commits have been accepted into the master branch, the team can continue QAing.

The team also continued work on the WebGL implementation of curl.lib.js (an IOTA library) that will allow iOS devices to access and perform proof-of-work for the Oyster web node demo. The team is currently updating and QAing the web node demo to ensure that the WebGL implementation goes smoothly without any problems.

In addition, this week the team deployed a change that does PoW on separate machines using AWS Lambda, which will help with upload performance. This is still in beta; thus, the team is monitoring performance and will continue to make tweaks and improvements to it. During initial testing, the team noticed promising increases in upload speed and throughput.

The team has made progress with allowing users to return to an upload that is currently in progress (more info about this upcoming feature is available in our previous post). The team is currently making a small change to the broker node code to support this feature.

Finally, the team also completed further testing on the upload process, some code refactoring as well as prepared some units tests for the streamable library and upload process.

As always, we encourage our community to post any questions or comments regarding these development updates to our Reddit or Telegram channel.

