Oyster is Looking for Beta Testers

Taylor French
2 min readMar 27, 2018


As the Mainnet release date continues to draw near, we at Oyster are doing everything we can to optimize the Oyster protocol such that it is a streamlined and accessible storage service, as well as a viable alternative revenue source to traditional web advertisements.

To begin genuinely optimizing the Oyster protocol, we are pleased to announce that Oyster is now accepting websites to help beta test the revenue generating aspect of the protocol. We are looking for sites that fit the following criteria:

1. Applicants must be the owner of the website or mobile application, and ideally, have a firm handle on the English language.

2. Applicants must have an audience base of over 100,000 monthly visitors/active users for three months of the last 12 months. This visitor base must be verifiable by Google Analytics or some other verifiable analytics tool.

3. Applicants’ websites must not be hosting any form of adult content, and absolutely no type of illicit content to qualify.

By participating in the Oyster protocol beta, website owners will help generate important analytics that will be used to improve the efficiency of our product and will be one of the first users of a revolutionary movement in generating web revenue.

We will be accepting applications until the SHL Airdrop date (April 6th, 2018), so we encourage any interested parties to send in their application as soon as possible. We will be responding directly via email to any applicant(s) that are chosen to participate in the Oyster protocol beta.

For those individuals that match the above criteria, please send your application, as well as proof of monthly visitors to the address:


Oyster SHL Explainer Video

On a separate note, we have released a new explainer video for our SHL token which can be viewed below, or on our website.

