Exploding your Video Channel through Twitter

Tryggvi Freyr Elínarson
OZ Team Blog
Published in
6 min readJun 11, 2015


Yesterday, during an OZ webinar on “How to create a channel on OZ” I created my first amazing channel. It’s called The Bad Weather Channel… obviously, as I live in Iceland. I’m pretty sure there are people all over the world that would love to know about my amazing channel (filled with videos of shitty weather from Iceland) — so the question becomes: How can I promote my channel and grow a decent subscriber base without breaking the bank? Or better yet.. do it without spending any money at all!
The short answer: Using social media, starting with Twitter.

The Very Bad Weather Channel

Social media can be a great tool for exponentially expanding your potential customers and reaching your target audience of done correctly. The problem is, too many businesses use social media simply as a sales tool and instead of gaining followers, consumers stop listening to you. You need to be engaging in your social media and learn to develop different tactics within your overall strategy to ensure you gain the right followers. Laid out below is an overview of a Twitter strategy and some useful tactics to start your successful Twitter campaign.

Your Twitter Strategy

It’s just a piece of the puzzle

Ok.. before we dive into Twitter, note this:
An overall Social Media strategy needs to be developed for your video channel, with Twitter as a piece in that larger cog. Developing an overall online and social media marketing strategy should be your first step towards marketing your product, in this case your amazing video channel on OZ!

When in comes to social, it’s important to understand that different audiences use different social media platforms. You need to figure out who is using Twitter and develop an overall strategy to target them. As opposed to a different group of people that may be using Facebook, Tumblr or Instagram — and yes, I will be covering those platforms in other blogs.

For example, Facebook has become a platform used by an older demographic compared to Twitter. Twitter is used overwhelmingly by the age range 18–44 with its most heavy users between the ages of 18–34 with almost 45% usage. Twitter 45+ year olds only account for slightly more than 25% of the platforms total usage. So, for my Bad Weather Channel.. I might be better of using Facebook (yes, I’m pretty sure only old people buy weather videos).

Know Your Audience

The first rule when developing a social media strategy, which is very similar to developing video content, is to know your audience. If your video channel is targeted towards children, but your main Twitter audience is 18–34 you need to think of a different approach. You would not market your channel on Twitter as if you were speaking to children. Instead you would need to consider marketing to parents. Since my Twitter audience is to young to understand my Bad Weather Channel.. I’ll just ask them to tell their grandparents about it.

The Twitter account displayed here might not actually exist…

Know the Platform

Secondly, you need to understand why most people use Twitter. It is a micro-blogging platform. People that are active on Twitter want short and concise messages that inform and entertain them. Sales pitches will not go over very well on any social platform, but on Twitter it is even more the case. This means my Tweet above will not work that great.. it should be more like this:

I’m pretty sure you really, really, really want to click on that link.. right?

Think about your Twitter strategy in conjunction with your overall marketing strategy and ensure that it has a unique focus. You need to engage and entertain without pushing your channel to much and asking people to subscribe — If people like what you have to say, they will discover your content and if you content is good, they will subscribe.

Let’s Look at Specific Tactics

There are a number of things to keep in mind when promoting your video channel on Twitter.

Get a Follower Nation

In order to get fans to follow you, first you need to produce interesting and engaging content and reach out to like-minded businesses and individuals. Start by reaching out within your niche or industry and following the major brands, stars or topics within the scope of your video channel. If you have children’s programming then search out brands, authorities, experts, bloggers and journalists that have a repertoire of children’s topics. When you start producing quality content on Twitter you can tweet under relevant hashtags so these people may see your addition to the topic. You can also tag relevant people.

Tweet Content, Not Sales

When developing a content strategy for social media, make sure it is entertaining and/or informative and rarely push a sales agenda. If people like your content, they will naturally gravitate towards a paid subscription. Ideas for content could include mini shows and trailers catered to provide something free to your target audience (Yes, we love YouTube and you should to!). Once they see you have something great to offer, they may convert into a paying customer.

Get Active

You cannot have a Twitter account and expect great results if you are not active in soliciting followers and engaging your audience. Engage with those you following, by answering their questions, retweeting them and even sharing some of your content with them. Host a Twitter conversation with a specific hashtag to drum up interest. A #ChildrensEducation conversation may get the attention of parents looking for educational programming, or #LiveMusic for a channel that features live music events. Either way engage and develop an audience.

Promote Your Social Links

On your website, marketing materials, other social platforms link to your Twitter account to get cross conversions (and vice versa). This promotion can ensure that those looking for interesting content get the message that you are doing great things on Twitter with videos, live chat sessions and more.

Twitter Ads: Target Practice

Although a business account on Twitter is free, you may want to consider investing some marketing dollars into some very specific and targeted ads on the platform. A recent study shows that ads placed within search queries on Twitter, as opposed to in users timelines, is twice to three times more effective in getting engagement; retweets, shares and clicks.

The ads getting the best results are those that include narrowly defined targets, images or videos and are short in nature according to a recent NY Times article. Since you only pay per engagement, you can tailor your program for maximum effectiveness. Remember to review and update your program often.

Setup Twitter ads: https://ads.twitter.com/
Great article on how to build a Twitter ads campaign:

Bottom Line

Twitter can be a great way to provide interesting content in short bursts of activity. From paid ads to engaging social micro blogging you have a chance to showcase your content to a wide audience across the globe.

Make sure to follow OZ for even more creator tips & tricks

