Fun ways to keep your club members entertained even when you don’t have new videos to add

Armina Ilea
OZ Team Blog
Published in
5 min readApr 26, 2016


Your fans are part of the club because they are interested in your content, they want to see new videos, exclusive live streams and want new things to watch all the time. But fans are also a part of the club because they are interested in you as an artist.

So, what happens when you have nothing new to add, no videos, no live stream? Maybe you are working on a video that takes a longer time to produce, maybe you are preparing for a huge live streamed concert happening later or maybe you are just lacking inspiration as to what you will be adding next. You still want to keep your fans happy though because they are your core fans and are paying a subscription to your club.

The OZ platform is built in such a way that it helps you keep members engaged through its features. Here are some ways to keep everyone excited about being a club member although there are no new videos being added for a while:

Make posts engaging

You already know that as a club owner you can send posts to your members. Although their main purpose of these posts is to announce new releases, live streams, news, updates & co, you can get creative also. It’s good to know that members can actually comment on your posts when they read it in the mobile app. So, how about launching a contest, or how about setting up a word game that all your members can play together or even a competition. The topic can be related to your own club genre. Here’s a quick example we’ve had fun putting together:

The text reads:

Post Title: The Extra Super Scavenger Hunt

Message: Do you think you know everything about us, Your Favorite Sports Team? Prove it! On Monday we are launching an online scavenger hunt for all our members. The prize is a funny love letter from your favorite team player addressed to you personally and a video from the team made for you!

Here’s how this is going to go:

We will be sending one post each day at 8AM sharp (right before you go to work, to get your blood pumping) with a clue. You can use whatever you want to decipher the clue (books, internet, ask a friend, etc.). You need to keep the clue to yourself and then for the next 4 days we’ll send more clues. Keep it all to yourself. In the end, the 5 answers you discovered on the way will help you find the answer to the last question of the series. Without having figured out at least 3 out of the 5 first clues you won’t be able to figure out the ultimate answer.

As soon as you have the ultimate answer, go to your mobile app, find the the ultimate post and write your answer in the comment. The first person to write the right comment is the winner!

So, are you ready for this? Are you ready to become the Ultimate Champion of the Scavenger hunt of Your Favorite Sport Team?

Good luck! May the best fan win!

Keep your “Upcoming” section updated

The Upcoming section is where your fans can see what will be added later, whether it’s in one day, one month or later, you can use the tools available to let fans know what will be available in the future. So, although you are not adding anything for a month, you can show fans that something new will be coming later by adding a Video Premiere or scheduling a Live Stream. Yes, these will only happen in the future but at least your members know what to expect, know that you have not given up on the club and that it’s worth staying over as a subscriber. Video Premieres & Scheduled Live Streams build excitement and make members look forward to new content, and because the date and hour is clear, they can plan ahead.

Ask fans for their own creations

Your fans probably have taken videos of your concerts or games or maybe they have put together some visuals about you. You never know, you might be having some really talented filmmakers among your fans. So, why not ask them to send yin their creations? You can create a collection on your club “Made by fans” and add there all the videos that you feel fit with your club’s theme and vision. Although it is not exclusive content made by you, it’s still something that other fans might like to see.

Do some quick live streams from your laptop

Yes, you can set up high-production live stream events on your club but there is also the option of using your laptop camera for an impromptu, non-directed live stream. You can even ask members to send you questions in advance and then answer them in a live stream. These type of streams don’t need any preparation, no efforts, just you with an idea going live. Think of it as live vlogging if you want. To learn about how to do this and set up a live event, read this post.

Have you already tried some of these methods? How do you keep your members engaged? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section, we’d love to hear your ideas.

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