OZ Feature Release: The Day Pass

Armina Ilea
OZ Team Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2015


Instructions on using the newly released OZ features can be found at the bottom of this post.

With the release of a new feature, OZ allows any club to be accessed through the purchase of a Day Pass. The Day Pass gives access to the club’s content for 24 hours and gives members full access to all content available within the club. These passes are similar to the Pay-Per-View access often available in sports events.

Creators can control when Day Passes are available and change the price as needed, and they are likely to change the pricing of Day Passes for days when special events, like live broadcasts, are scheduled. The pricing for Day Passes can range from $0.99 upwards.

Why to enable the Day Pass on your club:

Allow potential members a taste of the club

Those who are not yet members and would like to get a better feeling of the club & its content, before going full in and becoming subscribers, can now get a Day Pass and experience the club for 24 hours. That gives them access to all videos that are available and a chance to interact with other members through comments and clips, they can themselves create clips and share with friends. So basically they get the full experience meant to show them the value of being a members.

Attract new members

By promoting a single event or a single series or piece of content you can address and attract new and different people towards the club. Promoting the Day Pass as the main way to access the club would easily help bring over people who will end up finding the full content of the club of their own liking and then engage further.

Further monetize special live events

Now you can address that audience who is interested in a single event, for example, just a live concert. Although buying full membership is not something they might have considered in the past, with Day Passes your offering is different, it gives them access to the live event and a taste of the whole club content even. Day Passes can be priced less than the monthly membership or even more, but it´s a one time cost so it makes the decision to buy simpler.

How to enable the Day Pass on your club

Adding a Day Pass is easy and can be quickly edited as shown next:

Go to creator.oz.com. In the newly released design , handling all Pricing matters for your club is done in Settings → Pricing. That´s where the monthly price can be edited and that is also where the new Day Pass feature can be enabled by simply choosing the “Enable Day Passes” option:


Once that is done, the price can easily be chosen by using the arrows to increase or decrease the amount:

Now that you have added the Day Pass option to your club, there are so many new possibilities in term promotion, next video strategy and further revenue growth. Go explore them!

If any questions come to mind, drop us a line at team@oz.com! Or follow us on social media and ping us there:

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