Tap into 1.4 BILLION Facebook Users for Your Club Marketing

Tryggvi Freyr Elínarson
OZ Team Blog
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2015


At our last “Promote your club” webinar I promised more articles on specific marketing clubs so here’s one on the king of Social, Facebook.

If there is one social media platform you consider for promoting your Club, it should be Facebook. With 1.4 Billion users monthly, it represents the largest single group of users on the entire planet. Done correctly, Facebook can take your Club to prominence in as little as a year through organic (and paid marketing).

Source: www.wearesocial.net

Don’t start without a strategy

Just like other forms of marketing, you need to decide what your Facebook Business Page will be used for, i.e. who will you talk to, what will you say and how will you do it? In this decision you need to consider the following facts.

First, Facebook is still the most used social platform on the planet, even with 74% of 12–24 year olds signing in weekly. For age demographics over 25, usage statistics are much more robust. So if you are a video channel for children under 12, you are most likely going to market to their parents in any case. If you are targeting teens and young adults, Facebook is still a great tool simply because of its huge user base. The amount of users on Facebook, even in this younger age demographic still surpasses the likes of Instagram and Snapchat. Bottom line: due to its size, you will find your audience on Facebook in large numbers.

Secondly, natively uploaded videos on Facebook recently overtook YouTube in total volume, so consumers are used to seeing great video content on Facebook. As a video channel producer, you have an amazing ability to capitalize on this. Let’s get specific on how to capitalize on Facebook.

Specific Tactics

There are many specific tactics that you will need to employ on Facebook in order to secure it as a main traffic point for your club. The first and most important is the use of ads if you want to grow your audience immediately and second to provide engaging content to keep followers coming back.

Facebook Insights

You can access Facebook ads within your Facebook Business page under Facebook Insights (or here: https://www.facebook.com/advertising). For any ad to work they have to be targeted, optimized, scheduled and overall you need to manage your budget and track results. First you need to segment your ads, meaning you need to dial in your parameters specifically to your target audience. You do not want to cast your net into 1.4 Billion people. For a sports clubs, you would want to focus your ads to fans with more than a couple sports references in their profiles. Maybe you want hardcore sports fans, that “like” multiple sports, specific stars, sports news and others to ensure you are getting the best qualify clicks.

Next you will want to entice them with a quality engagement. As you are a club seeking subscriptions, your best bet is showing off your videos. Direct the traffic to you showcase videos on OZ or upload cool trailers to Facebook to give them a taste of your clubl. Giving potential users something to taste will entice more conversions. Measure your conversions to “likes” and subscriptions and continually update your target audience and ads.

Before you start using ads on Facebook, read this:
Prepare to advertise on Facebook
Ads Manager Basics

Timeline Content

Next, use Facebook as a curative tool for the best videos in your industry. Be willing to point out your competitors amazing content, while also highlighting your great content. Self-promotion and aggrandizement goes over like a lead balloon on Facebook, so keep your subscription sales posts to a modest 1:5 ratio at most. If people come to understand that you offer a great service of curated videos in your niche, they will keep coming back to you.

Engage them on your timeline as well by reaching out personally. Ask for their suggestions on content to create, what their favorite videos are and respond with small prizes to keep them coming back for more. Encourage them to upload their own content for professional consideration. Actively engage your followers on the most relevant topics in your industry.

They are definitely checking out a cool video on Facebook!

Using the largest social platform in the world to draw in customers can be like finding a glass pebble in the Mojave Desert, unless you have a very specific plan of attack. Keep your posts and ads extremely focused and your content engaging to ensure continued success. Remember, you are not the first one to do this, so seek out others in you genre that have a successful Facebook page and learn from them — Don’t re-invent the wheel!

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