Upgrade to Clubs — the dynamic & interactive version of linear channels

Armina Ilea
OZ Team Blog
Published in
4 min readFeb 10, 2016

Fewer people than ever watch TV, that´s a given. If you do a quick search you´ll find endless statistics, data and trends on the matter. On territories, ethnicity, cable company, age, sex, you choose it, the data is there; even the reasons behind not watching TV are pretty clear lately. I´ve been attending quite some conferences and events on the topic and everyone agrees on the same few reasons:

  • people are busy and don´t want to be tied to a channel´s schedule
  • people are busy so they want to have the option of being selective
  • people are busy and don´t want to be stuck in front of the TV but be able to watch their favorite shows on the go, on mobile, table, etc.

So, turns out, people are busy! The busier they get the less time they have for watching TV. The most common reason for not watching TV is “there´s nothing good on TV” and that simply comes down to the selective part mentioned above.

OZ started by defining the future of television. We realized the future is not in the old traditional ways and as more and more people with young children mentioned that their kids try to swipe the tv screens, the answer was simple. It´s not enough to mix linear with VOD, although necessary. It´s not enough to have multiple devices, although that´s clearly where the industry is heading. There is a need for interaction on behalf of viewers and the need of turning viewers into fans on behalf of the cable operator.

With all of today´s distractions and a collective decrease in attention span, interaction is key. Allowing people to play with the stream, to share important moments with friends, share their thoughts on social media and even to interact directly with the cable operators, that´s part of the mix of catering in the right way to millennials and not only.

It´s all about having control over what you´re watching but especially how you watch it.

Upgrading to the club experience. OZ for Cable Operators

OZ helps broadcasters turn their channels into clubs -which are the dynamic and interactive version of channels, and their viewers into fans.

Clubs = Additional Revenue Streams

Clubs are behind a pay wall taking advantage of the success of the subscription economy. The options are many through. You can charge monthly subscription and leave the payments part to OZ or integrate the payment with your own system. Clubs are all about flexibility, you get to offer not just Monthly Subscription but also Day Passes for those who are interested in a single event or day.

Clubs = Engagement

Your viewers get to interact with the linear stream or your VOD through Clips. Any subscriber can share up to 10 seconds of their favorite moment with friends right after adding their own thoughts to the clip. This makes the content dynamic, it allows viewers to not only have an effect over the content but also share it further, open it up for discussion on Facebook or Twitter. At the same time, the clips are pretty much crowdsourcing marketing as they will end up all over social media and bring people back to the club.

Clubs = Direct Access To Fans

Clubs Posts are another feature that helps keep your viewers updated and keep you knowledgeable of their thoughts. A post will reach your subscribers in their email but also remain in the club feed both on the web and app. Posts can be used to send out updates and can even help drive ancillary revenue streams. You get direct access to your audience and that means feedback, it means that from now cable operators can stay ahead of their game being always aware of the changes that are to come in viewers’ behavior.

So, turn your channel into a Club -the dynamic and interactive version of channels. Combine live with VOD and make it available on all devices. Allow your fans to interact with your content and with you, and return the favor.

Build a strong community of fans around your club and most importantly, do it at the click of a button!

