A brief history of recruiting

Alma Mesic
ozOn recruitment
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2020

Fire is an essential human necessity, glorified throughout history by people, with the power to save human life to the power to wipe everything from the face of the earth. Think about the recruiting as fire, and be sure — you’re not mistaken!

Recruiting as we know it today with the internet and all other tools available is not a modern art as we all think. It is sort of like alchemy, quiet but existing behind the curtain, influencing everything that is connected to it. Recruiting in its form exists as long as civilization. Tracing back to Rome and Greece, and every other force of its period, looking for men to fill in their military capacities. The first forms of resumes existed engraved on graves and tombstones showing what the person was.

Recruiting up until World War II was mostly about filling out solder positions, except headhunting that was mostly associated with private detectives who knew how to dig out information. With the massive operations that took place during World War II and the enormous necessities of armies fighting the Nazis, recruiters helped to fill out workplaces that soldiers left behind when joining the army. But when the war ended and soldiers came back with new skills a real boom happened in the recruiting industry.

The revolution that took place in the 1950s and ’60s brought life to the first form of resumes that we know of today in order to outline an individual’s experience and qualifications, Recruiting agencies were born and job advertising was an ongoing trend with the local newspapers.

The economic growth of the 1970s established agencies as the corporations began outsourcing their hiring efforts to the recruiting agencies in order to reduce spending.

The technological advances of the 1980s and ’90s brought us first Applicant Tracking Systems and the growth of the World Wide Web led us to everything we know today.

The last 20 years have been a turning point for recruiting and job searching in general and we can say that with the newly arriving technology the recruiting as such will blossom.

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Alma Mesic
ozOn recruitment

Experienced Data Capture freelancer, Customer Service, and Client Relations Executive, Recruitment Consultant with a demonstrated history of working in the info