Integrating ChatGPT into your products

Ozonetel AI
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2023

Looks like everyone and their mom have started integrating ChatGPT into their products.

In most cases it feels as if its a push from the marketing team.

Marketing Head: “Have we integrated ChatGPT into our product”

Development team: “No, haven't found a use case yet? Also, there are edge cases we need to worry about”

Marketing Head: “Great, I am doing a LinkedIn post and a tweet on how we have integrated ChatGPT into our product”.

And as expected, I too got the call from my marketing head :)

So I wanted to put things to rest with a blog post.

First of all, what does integrating ChatGPT into your product mean?

ChatGPT does not have an API. Yet. So integrating ChatGPT generally means you have integrated with the OpenAI API(text-davinci-003 model). The OpenAI API has been around since a couple of years. I have been experimenting with what is possible and what is not possible with the GPT3 API since the last two years,

Thanks to OpenAI, I was one of the first to get access to the API and we have played around with it enough to know what works and what doesn’t. We have become experts in “prompt engineering”.

We have integrated the API into our agent toolbar to help agents with smart reply, we have experimented with using generative AI to generate IVR flows magically.

That said, we are yet to find a business use case that is cost effective for businesses using ChatGPT in the contact center/CX domain.

ChatGPT can be used for:

  1. Creating message templates for WhatsApp.
  2. Email Helper for agents

3. Intent detection for chat bots and WhatsApp bots.

4. FAQ answer builder for your knowledge base and website.

5. Sentiment classifier for your posts and tweets before routing to agents.

So technically integrating ChatGPT into your products is not a big challenge(it is a single API which takes a prompt and spits out text), but understanding the domain and finding a right solution for the business problem is the bigger issue.

For the technical details on how to integrate GPT3 into your product the following are the steps:

  1. Login to the OpenAI playground.
  2. Experiment with your prompt. Lets say correcting the grammar.

3. Select view code from the menu and get the code

4. Use this code in your API by replacing the API key.

The technical details are minor. The real problem is in understanding the domain.

So for people who ask “have you integrated ChatGPT into your product”, I ask:

“What is the problem you are trying to solve?”



Ozonetel AI

Love software and love building software products. Blog at