Sorry …Hardest to say when it matters the most!!!

Be a man to admit and appologise!

About Women


“Sorry”…….A very small word that is hardest to say but I must say on weighing scale it is heavier than the world itself. I agree to the fact that sorry cant make a dead man alive but at least it can lower the hatred in the society. It is a satire in our eastern society specially that we have been programmed in such a way that sorry can only be said for too general purposes more often but when it comes to bigger matters, sorry is only expected from women. It is incorporated to such an extent that most people take it as a matter of their ego not to say sorry in spite of being at fault. They feel as if it is not masculine to say sorry. Their ego and pride don’t let them apologise.

On the game of apologising its only women who is expected to say sorry and become the one to initiate the negotiation. Although “to err is human”……mind you not women only. The ego of not apologising can cost any relationship a high price ……..may be one end up losing it. It takes a bigger heart to apologize and it takes even bigger to forgive. All we can do is to go against our programming and have a bigger heart to say sorry if you have done something wrong to somebody and believe me its not difficult at all. you just have to try.

Moreover I advice all parents to teach their daughters how to do this and that but don’t forget to teach your sons as well that how to respect women and how to say sorry when they are wrong ……..because I feel by this effort there will be a mark decrease in our increasing relationship issues.

Best Of Luck and Have a prosperous life.

