The Legend of Pink Pasta

Perzen Patel
P for Parenting
Published in
3 min readApr 18, 2018

Dear Son,

Today I want to talk to you about Pink Pasta.

I am writing about it as a ‘legend’ because I hope that by the time you grow up and read this letter the monstrosity that is Pink Pasta (atleast for a food lover for your mom) will cease to exist. Or I could be totally wrong and people will love it so much that Pink Pasta will become a phenomenon much like Chicken Tikka Masala has in the UK and many parts of the world.

What is Pink Pasta? It is basically this innovation some enterprising Indian restaurant came up with where they combine the red tomato sauce as well as white cheese sauce to form a ‘pink sauce’. I guess it came about because for us any kind of ‘conti’ food brings up images of food doused in cheese. So, having pasta without cheese was a sin of sorts. Anyways, why am I writing a full letter about pink pasta? Well, that’s because atrocious as it is, there are some great lessons to learn from the legend of Pink Pasta too!

Two good things don’t always make something better

I can have bowl after bowl of either an Alfredo or a Marinara Pasta as both are delicious in their own right. But, put them together and Pink sauce I simply can’t swallow. Similarly you can’t have it all when it comes to life. You can’t say that I want the tangy excitement of single life but also the comfort of having someone to come home to night after night. Or, you can’t have the assurance of a great salary if you also want the fulfillment of entrepreneurship. Trying to chase it all mostly leads to a mish-mash which soon becomes unpalatable.

Think outside the box

Chefs have played around with the Marinara and Alfredo for years. Some have added more herbs while others added more vegetables. It took an enterprising Indian to just throw caution to the wind and simply combine both the sauces. As much as I abhor Pink Pasta I do appreciate the innovator thinking out of the box! Similarly solutions in life don’t always lie in the standard ‘ingredients’ like a good job or degree. To be truly happy you must be prepared to think outside the box! More importantly just like the innovator didn’t just add some shavings of cheese to the Pasta you must have the guts to go the whole hog and follow through on your idea before you give up on it or try something different.

There’s an audience for everything

For every one person that hates Pink Pasta you will find another that sees no wrong in it. I have come to realize that there are all kinds of people in life and ergo an audience for just about anything. All you have to do is either spend time finding them or weave the right story so they come find you. You may have your reasons for disliking something (or someone) but remember to not discount the influence they can have on your life.

That’s all for today. I am sure I have got you curious enough by now to try out this Pink Pasta. Feel free to try it and form your own opinions just don’t ever feed some to me when I am old and wrinkly or I”ll come back to haunt you.

This post is part of the annual #BlogChatterA2Z Challenge .When my son was born I promised myself I’d write him love letters as often as I could as this challenge is part of that promise. M is for Magic and Miracles. Do follow P for Parenting for more articles in this series and to read the next post, A Quirky First Date.



Perzen Patel
P for Parenting

Indian food expert. The eating kind. My stories help you go beyond butter chicken. Also a mum to two sons and my small biz, Dolly Mumma.