A Burning Desire

Jennifer Mansell
2 min readJan 21, 2016


I didn’t leave you because I wanted you to be hurt or left alone or left behind.

I left you for me.

The most selfish decision I will probably ever make, but finally this time I chose my own happiness over yours or anyone else’s.

And thats important for me.

Thats big.

Thats powerful.

Maybe you think I am inconsiderate or uncaring or unfaithful but really I am choosing to think I am incredibly courageous and brave and know what I want out of life.

I am going to Burning man, no strings attached able to explore my womanhood, body, and sexuality freely.

I wasn’t ready to give that all up.

I wasn’t ready to let the goddess in me die.

She needed more love, that which you on your own could not provide.

Not because you didn’t love me with your whole heart or want to love me completely but because you didn’t have enough love for yourself. You need to fill up your own barrel and let it spill over to the world.

You are beautiful and gifted and loving, so loving.

I want you to feel loved by the people around you like I do. But you’ve got to get vulnerable and uncomfortable and be open to learning.

I want this for you more then anyone.

Tyler once said “there are two types of people in the world, those that do things and those that don’t”.

I want to do things.

On a whim or not on a whim.

I want to know myself and share love with the world everyday.

You are no longer the primary receiver of all of my love.

That to me is freeingly beautiful, scary and sad.



Jennifer Mansell

I write love letters. Sometimes to myself, sometimes to the sacred place in you, sometimes to the world at large.