A Love Worth Settling For

The One Time We Should Settle When It Comes to Love

Crystal Jackson
P.S. I Love You


Photo by Cassie Lopez on Unsplash

I was very, very good at settling in relationships. Taking what I could get was what I did when my standards were as low as my self-esteem. We all want to be loved, but we don’t all believe we deserve it. Under those circumstances, settling for the love we can get still seems like a better idea than the alternative where we’re never loved at all.

But lately, I’ve experienced a different kind of settling, and it’s not at all what you might be thinking.

Falling in love again was not a part of my master plan. I was content with my life — more than content; I loved it. I loved myself, and I built a life I loved. I’d made peace with the fact that the epic love just might not be for me.

The life I built was hard won after years of settling for so much less than I deserved. I was afraid a relationship would damage my power, reducing everything I loved about the life I had built. So I just didn’t try to date. I enjoyed my life, and if sometimes I felt a pang of loneliness, I accepted…

