A Riddle Wrapped in An Enigma

Pragati Sachdeva
P.S. I Love You
1 min readNov 17, 2017


He did not fathom my words;

Or that ensnaring wasn’t meant for birds.

I was at my wits end;

But his stiff-necked tenacity refused to bend.

What’s sauce for the goose wasn’t sauce for the gander;

I lacked the candour and became a mere bystander.

Love at first sight, my delusion he’s the white knight;

The saccharine loaded Turkish delight.

Then I had an insight;

He is just too uptight,

To let me play my capriccioso;

The dire end will be a no-show.

Because I desire to be footloose and fancyfree;

Wistfully yearning to be my own hive’s ‘queen bee’.



Pragati Sachdeva
P.S. I Love You

Poet even in Prose banishes thou woes. Gypsy blood astir, married a moonbeam, lost in a reverie she’d daydream…