Family and Friendship; A sad reality!

Abdulhaqq Sule
P.S. I Love You
Published in
3 min readAug 26, 2016

Fact! Our world exists within a sad reality.

We came into this world alone and we will depart from it alone. Don’t be ignorant to understand that you can mostly rely on yourself. We may have family and friends who might be willing to help us, to support us when we need them, but this does not change the fact that when a ‘poke’ turns to ‘shove’ and we find ourselves on a hot seat, we might just be alone — completely.

Friends are vital in live and you might sometimes end up with one who will truly love you for who you are. If you were to tell me that your friends would be there for you if you called on them, I will concur. If you were to say that your friends will ALWAYS be there for you 100% and would sacrifice anything for you, then I will assume you’re high on something cheap. LOL!

Seriously! Sooner or later, your friends will tend to let you down — no matter how good your friends are, they are bound to let you down at least once (or more) during the duration of your friendship.

This is human nature; we all make mistakes and poor decisions from time to time.

Keep in mind that your friends have lives of their own, they can’t always have your back even if you’re best buddies. A friend is likely to get married, start a family and drift away. Even if you do keep in touch, you will no longer be as important to them as their wife and kids — as it should be. That’s what it comes down to: how important could you possibly be to other people.

Imagine life and death situations — the most serious of situations — how many people do you know that would risk their lives for you?

How many do you know that would sacrifice their lives for yours?

The answer? — Well take a guess.

The fact is that there will always be a circumstance under which your friends will let you down. If there is at least one situation in which your friends would not be there for you, then you should conclude never to rely on friends.

If you can’t rely on something 100% of the time then you should not rely on them ever — by definition, they are not entirely reliable. The only people that you could arguably say may consider giving up their lives to save yours are members of your family — most likely one of your parents. Parents share a bond with their children that at times can be extraordinarily strong.

The reason why human beings are unreliable is because we are egocentric creatures. In our world, we are the center of it. Everything we know and experience involves our existence. Our mental properties are focused on us and always put us ahead of others. This is not to say that you cannot put someone else ahead of yourself — but in order to do so, you will have to be focused and do so with strong intent.

We are built to survive on our own, yet simultaneously could not stay sane if isolated indefinitely — we both need and don’t need other people. Nevertheless, one ought to learn how to rely on oneself and not on friends and family. There will come a time when they let you down or are no longer there to lend you support.

Learning to stand on your own two feet all the time will make it easier to stand alone when things get ugly and there is no one there to help you; it could mean a matter of life or death, if not of your body then of your sanity.

This is not to say that we shouldn’t ever ask for help — we should ask as often as possible.

However, we must be ready to take on any burden ourselves if that is the only possible solution.

We are nothing but pencils in the hands of our creator.

Take your friends for whom they are.



Abdulhaqq Sule
P.S. I Love You

Pan-African Tech Entrepreneur @HaqqmanHQ. Digital creations @WebstoreHQ, @LinqmanApp and more. Improve or get insights on web, business and digital lifestyle.