Another Walk To Remember

When strolling in the streets opened a Pandora of questions.

Shveta Berry
P.S. I Love You
4 min readJan 11, 2018



It is a rusty day for him. He is just wandering streets and looking for something he doesn’t know.

An hour ago, he was working in his cabin. His receptionist received a phone call for him, transferred it and that was it! Nobody knew what happened. He came out of the cabin. Looked to his left for few minutes. Gazed at all crowd he manages. Then he looked right, he saw the elevator. He chose the right side and went ahead!

It was a call from his new boss who always sounds grumpy with an artificial baritone. The Boss called him for one to one meeting to discuss all accounts. This was the third time this meeting happened on the same agenda. He has been working here almost since the start of this company and his new boss, the founder’s son-in-law was nothing but another straining burden on him.

He was walking. Where? No idea!

He notices a long line of people standing near a hot dog station. He feels a bit hungry. He gets himself one and asks the owner — “Are you new in here? Seems people like your stuff a lot!!” The man chuckles, “ It’s been a year, sir”. In these many days, he had never noticed this hot dog station- just down the building. He gives the owner a subtle and light embarrassing smile and leaves with his piece.

He is walking and eating.

Started thinking of his only daughter who is leaving this weekend for her college studies. Talking to himself, he asks, “Hmm.. College. Nice! I never realized she was this smart. Well, how many days have I actually met her in past one year other than on breakfast or dinner table?” He is good with numbers. The calculated time came out to be a number to which he felt disappointed.

He is walking from past one hour. His mind is an empty slate.

He spots a young charismatic woman standing near a fashion store, taking a smoke drag and doing something on her phone. She is his ex-secretary who was a temp for two weeks. She looks no more than in her early 20s. He starts recollecting the time she entered his cabin and he found her quite different. Nice but different. Many times, he thought of talking to her casually or asking her for a ‘professional’ lunch but didn’t feel quite right about it.

While taking the last drag, she notices him walking down the street. She waves at him and he gives a welcoming smile. He waves back and walks in her direction. With every step taking forward, he is heart is thumping like that of young teenage boy’s. “How are you and how come you are here? Took an off today and taking your wife for shopping and lunch, hunh?” One question shoots before he thinks of replying to the last one. Somewhere in middle of her words, he analyses two things- Was she this enthusiastic blabber house when she was in the office? And secondly, how long has it been that he asked his wife for a romantic and some couple time where it was just about them?

His mid-life crisis story ended in less than a minute.

He chats with her for a moment and lies to her that he has to rush as a friend is waiting for him in a nearby pub.

After strolling in the streets for about two more hours, he books a cab for home.
It is still an early evening. He has never come home this soon.

He steps out of the car and notices that his garden is looking really beautiful. “Has it been this blossomy? Did we have tulips and these many roses before? Gardener is doing hell lot of a wonderful job.”

He rings the door bell. The wife, on the phone with her sister, opens the door. Looking at different him, she asks “ Are you not feeling well, Honey? How come you are home at this time?”

“No, I am perfectly fine. Now, get ready! We are going for a wonderful dinner to celebrate US”. He looks at the surprised but happy daughter. Before she could also ask what’s so new about today, he says, “What do you like? Chinese or Italian?”
She smiles and gives a big okay to Chinese!

He relaxes on the couch for with arms wide open and leaning his head back.

“Honey, our garden looks so amazing now. I think our gardener deserves some more.”

Wife looks at him for a moment, takes a deep sigh and replies “Dear, it’s been the same for a month now and I do the gardening. Come, let me make you a cup of coffee. You will feel better!”

Quite embarrassed and shocked, he follows her into the kitchen.

There are many of us like him who can not comprehend the bigger picture in our lives. Before you also feel like wandering in the streets and realize that you have missed a lot, start cherishing.

Everyone doesn’t need a walk to remember.

A simple thought is more than enough.

If you like the story, don’t forget to clap and comment. Clap as much as you can! It’s healthy :-D



Shveta Berry
P.S. I Love You

Engineer. Chases Happiness. Loves writing, cats and scribbles down what she thinks. Connect here: