Are you single?

Michael Kshatri
P.S. I Love You
Published in
1 min readFeb 15, 2018
Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

Now I’m not gonna say I hate being single.

I think it is something much needed.

It gives you a chance to explore the crevices

of your mind you didn’t even know existed.

Being single is a chance to discover the person in the mirror-

to learn the perspective of that reflection.

A time to find out what your motivation is

or what you actually want in a couple of years.

You gotta learn to love yourself

before it is possible to love someone else.

You can’t give love to someone that’s originally for you.

A relationship is two wholes coming together

rather than two halves trying to complete themselves.

Once you’ve found that love for yourself in life,

you’ll never have to think twice

if you’ve found someone you genuinely like.



Michael Kshatri
P.S. I Love You

Still learning how to navigate life. Writing is my method of mapping it out. FB/IG: @Inigoscribbles