Before I Let You Go… (A Tribute For Father)

Arvin A.
P.S. I Love You
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2018
Sending my love to you up there Dad; Arvin A.

There will come a time,

You deemed to make a change.

Father, you were there; but now I will always be here.

Take your everyday chance in life.

How I wish I could’ve told you everyday — How I could’ve write thousands of letters for you.

Dad, you journeyed the best possible way. Took the undiscovered paths which led to the darkness only to find light after.

We found your way enlightening; shone every footprint, carried your torch and seized the endless labyrinth tunnel.

Dad, you never taught me how to do this on my own — but we can be together to create it for the better.

It has always been you.

It was you, who nurtured our mother; who carried us inside her for nine months.

It was you, that when I first opened my eyes; your face was brightening with a smile of perfection.

It was you, my very first teacher who taught me how to speak and say the beautiful word “Papa”.

It was you, who carried in your arms til I learned how to walk.

It was you, whom I look up to for being the best role model a young man can ever hope for.

It was you, who stayed late at night doing elementary mathematics, cos my education comes first.

It was you, that when I finally knew what I wanted to be at life, is also to become you.

It was you, that when every problem there arise, you always kept a solution for everything.

It was you, who made everyone of us happy from your semi-lame jokes.

It was you, for every ounce of love that you give, you are happy for making them happy.

It was you, how each and every night, our family would wait for our daily dinner get together.

It was you, the building block, the cementing agent — that binded the love and relationship of our family.

It was you, who gave assurance that no matter what happens — prayer is the strongest force no man can ever take away from you.

It was you, my daily strength, my daily life partner, my hero and my cornerstone.

And it was you,

not until today,

who bore the deepest hole in my heart for passing.

But before I let you go; let this balloon be the symbol of my love — to reach to you up above.

And this string — represents how I can hold onto you.

How I wonder if I could ever hold on forever, and never let you go.

How, at each every moment I could just pull you towards me and never release you.

But, I have to…

I need to let you go.

Angels who grew their pair of wings, could never be kept on land.


Papa, fly and soar high. For the man up above is happy to have gained another good man.



Arvin A.
P.S. I Love You

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