Cheating: is it Normalised now?

Gauri Gupta
2 min readJun 17, 2024


Photo by Cullan Smith on Unsplash

How do we want to see our future?

I get asked “How are you still single?”. Is there something wrong in me? Emotional or physical betrayal still stand as cheating. Am I “old school” or not “chill enough” for todays day and age? Back then, cheating used to be looked down upon and rightfully so- to hold accountable for ones actions in breaking the sanctity of the purest relationship in one’s life. Now, every relationship story I hear has a cheating partner. A cheating man.

Once a cheater, always a cheater. By normalising this behaviour, how many cheaters do we want to cultivate in our society? Is this the world we want to leave behind for the future generations to come? We address global issues and its consequences on planet earth- but these issues will be left to dealt with in the hands of dishonourable people, the ones who will be the decision makers.

Whilst cheating, the partner lies, hides, gate keeps, gaslights, breaks trust, possibly indulges in substances- the list could go on on how a good human facets on such alter egos. I ask you, would you want your son to be like this? Would you loan money, support or trust someone like this? If they could lie and hide to the one person who loved them unconditionally, what good are they really to you?

He had a rough upbringing, he is insecure, he has family issues, it was a drunken night with the boys. Men are not privy to a humans growth and life journey. We are all exposed to experiences and events which alter our subconscious mind leading the decisions we take to reach where we are on present day.

Women cheat as well, but it is a minority affair which could possibly supersede the numbers of men due to their implications and non corrected behaviours.

For the benefit of the doubt, that men in-fact have it tougher thus leading to adultery, does this not then become a question of stronger core morals and values? Why do we not have sufficient mental health care support for this demographic? If it’s not taboo to cheat anymore, why is working on and knowledge sharing on such issues still one?

I strongly believe it is time for men with non committal issues to start their inward journey before really good women begin to lose faith in them, begin to lose faith in true love which could elevate the oneness of our community with unconditional love.

