Could He Still Love Me Without My Eating Disorder?

What to do when your partner stops loving you

Caitlin Fisher
P.S. I Love You


Photo of author by Jen Hearn as part of the Cleveland Badass portrait project/provided by author

My ex-partner wooed me with poems and promises of us reaching our dreams together — our dreams of weight loss and being that enviable gym couple.

The poem was about how I looked in my dating app profile picture, bedecked in race medals from 5ks, 10ks, and half marathons.

He loved that photo. He loved that person.

And I loved being loved.

We met a couple of weeks after I left my ex-husband. I told him I was getting divorced, and he assumed I wouldn’t follow through.

It was a safe relationship to explore for both of us to get back into the dating scene. Honestly, I expected it to be a multi-night stand.

We weren’t perfect for each other, but we were what the other needed right then.

He was into pro wrestling and Joe Rogan. I was into self-help books (both reading and writing).

We were both into vegan food, working out, and seeing each other naked.

For the first ten months of our relationship, the communication and safety I felt was unprecedented. It was one of the most fulfilling relationships I’ve ever had, and it was important to me as I processed my first…



Caitlin Fisher
P.S. I Love You

Prone to sudden bursts of encouragement. They/them. Queer, autistic author of