dancing with the storm

Tiziana Arnone
P.S. I Love You
Published in
Jan 17, 2021
Photo by Jaanus Jagomägi on Unsplash

The first day of the year
I woke up.
I felt brightned
I got started.
A certainty
no one can abrade.
I had alreary
abraded my heart
and my soul.
Over there
the journey was long,
But I felt
I could do it.
I was ready.
I had started.
So, I could not go back nor having urge of it.
I had all.
I had myself.
After, It is easier than it looks.
I had danced with the storm.



Tiziana Arnone
P.S. I Love You

“I write what I couldn’t tell anyone”. writer. poet, observer. Relationship. Parenting. Personal Growth. Enchanted with life. Thin Skin/amazon.com