Darlings Go

Wanjiku Wanjiru
P.S. I Love You
Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2021
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Bubblegum wide-eyed dreamers
Painting the sun June and a swirly lollipop.
Sticky sweet full of grammatical boo-boos letters,
Red heart-shaped sign-offs
And see you the soonest.

But where do darlings go?
The first of firsts. The last of firsts.

Summer comes and, ‘I’m moving away.’
Up-sets us far away, sunbeam-borne away,
A fall away.
Unpinned by google maps―
Those soul-rupturing, toasty brown eyes
Easing my frown lines―it’s now was.
Damn! I’m spent of wishes to call you darling again.

Do you keep count of the lost summers between us?
The dimmed sun that ushered you off once.
Does your bucket list now brim with harvested shooting stars
Or gave them all up to Venus in jars?
After all, we were simple children―

And where we let go, over and again
Until no more can I put a face to pen.

Summer comes and, ‘I’m moving away.’
Up-sets us far away, sunbeam-borne away,
A fall away.
The rear of our story has haunted this far,
Colored monochrome,
Nostalgia trotted home,
By black ink on a white page.

Now, an everlasting of a moment in time
Slipped into hearts of a similar rhyme;

Everlasting of you and I.

*Thank you so much P.S I Love You family for cheering my voice on.



Wanjiku Wanjiru
P.S. I Love You

should my words collide with your heart in a dance of chance, my noble deed is complete. thank you for stopping by. call me Wanj ! © 🌻💕🌼