Date A Woman Who Reads

When she tells you about the lines that she loves the most, listen closely and carefully.

Molly Burford
P.S. I Love You


Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

Date a woman who reads, who gets lost in bookstores and within the stories of places and people, falling in love with characters she’s never met and worlds she’s never been to. She doesn’t read to escape reality, though, but to experience another version of it. All of the words she consumes transport her to a different place, to a different time, to a different mind, all of which expand her horizons and make her feel alive.

Because when you date a woman who reads, you’re dating a well-traveled woman, not only geographically, but historically and emotionally. She’s been to the roaring ‘20’s, within the beautiful minds of the world’s greatest artists. She’s been to war torn lands and orphanages, she’s learned the hardships of a life outside her own, making her more empathetic and aware that life is more than what she sees in front of her.

And with this knowledge, she always aims to be better, to try harder, and is always hungry for more. When she finishes one book, she’s back at the library or local bookstore, ready to be transported again and again.

And please remember that when you date a woman who reads, the books which speak loudest to her soul, the ones that touch her the most…

