Dating Deconstructed: Part 1

Emily Smith and Scott Muska talk modern relationship challenges, gender differences, and writing about dating.

Emily J. Smith
P.S. I Love You


Photo by Shaira Dela Peña on Unsplash

We often read stories about dating on Medium, but rarely do we get a real conversation between people with two very distinct perspectives. Emily Smith and Scott Muska met through Medium, and write regularly about dating and relationships. Emily writes regularly for Medium and other outlets, and also founded and runs her own dating app, Chorus, and Scott writes all over the place (while also serving as a contributing editor for this very publication).

In this first installment of this conversational series, Emily and Scott discuss modern relationship challenges, gender differences in dating, and what it’s like to write about all this publicly while actively trying to date.

Emily Smith: Your article, Some Things I Wish I Would Have Said, is like a wet dream for many women who actually do want the men in their lives to eventually say those things to them. For example, the top highlight “Just because I’m not ready doesn’t mean I don’t love you,” admits that your emotional limitations are the thing getting in the way, not your feelings for this woman, something many women know at their core but most men can’t admit or confront. Does the woman who you wrote this for…



Emily J. Smith
P.S. I Love You

Writer and tech professional. My debut novel, NOTHING SERIOUS, is out Feb '25 from William Morrow / HarperCollins (more at