Dear Daughter: And now let’s talk a little about The Real Power of Inner Healing

Ashton Williams
P.S. I Love You
Published in
4 min readFeb 24, 2018
Source: Pixaby

The Catastrophe — or The Feeling—Hits

As I am sure you must have all felt from time to time — somedays there is just that horrible feeling that arises that, despite all that you do, simply will not go away.

Sometimes, it is an old memory; sometimes a tragedy from one’s childhood, some element of despair or depression.

And, whatever it is, the bottom line is that your day just seems totally shattered.

When It Hits

When it hits, my first thought for you is… Congratulations!

Congratulations, you say?

Am I some sort of crazy madman?

No, in all honesty — and with deepest humility — the reason(s) I say “congratulations,” to you, my dear daughter, are as follows:

Allowing Yourself to Feel

First off, I wonder how many of us realize that so many of our fellow souls — people we really love and cherish — actually never — “never ever” — even allow themselves to reach that inner place of pain and seeming despair?

An awful lot of people, I am afraid.

Many through some overwrought “ego” element of—

“I can’t be feeling that,”

“I can’t go there,”

“This can’t be happening” and/or

“This can’t be happening to me!”

Humbly, I would submit that those feelings — real as they may be — of denial, or self-obfuscation, prevent any real possibility of a true healing.

If one doesn’t even acknowledge the feelings to begin with, how on Earth will they ever arise and then be slowly — hopefully — ventilated to be released.

Multitasking Has The Same Issue

In today’s environment of total over-scheduling every possible free and “open” moment, I would also most humbly suggest that multitasking is part of the very same symptom — i.e. total “fear” of actually being alone with one’s self where one might have to actually feel/acknowledge that inner pain — but that is a topic for another day…

Finding a Safe Place

If one — somehow — can find that inner courage to actually feel those feelings — from deep deep down inside one’s very soul and essence — this is actually a wonderful thing!

But, it can be excruciatingly painful.

So, if you can do that, mad props to you, my dear daughter, mad props!

To do it, however, in all likelihood, one will need the real deep “inner sanctum” of Peace and a Safe Place to allow for and ventilate those feelings.

This is not something that one would share with colleagues at work nor in the general marketplace, etc. etc.

Finding “Alone” Time

One needs that down “alone” time—and the peaceful area—to allow for it.

Yoga, itself, also has some major teachings in this area — but again, we will cover that in another piece...

Someone Who Believes In You

Finally — and perhaps most importantly here—one really cannot do anything at all here, unless, there is at least one person — one very special person here (or elsewhere) — who really, truly, believes in you.

Only then can we feel free enough to actually “express” what we are feeling.

It is critical — absolutely critical beyond any doubt — that we must be made to feel that that one key person is not judging/and will not ever judge us.

Only then will we feel safe enough to express those deepest, most inner thoughts and fears, some of which may, indeed, scare the very bejeezus out of you!

No Judgment, No Evaluation—Only “Full Body Listening”

So, what we really need is someone who can care for us in that deeply personal and intimate way.

If you are among those very lucky few who can:

1) feel your feelings;

2) find a safe place to do that;

3) frosting on the cake—have that very special someone to share what you feel .

Well, then, my dear daughter, you are, indeed, fortunate in many more ways than you can ever realize.

My hopes and prayers are that you are lucky enough to be so truly blessed.

I share this with you, my dear daughter, wondering if you now might have a slightly different view?


© 2018 Ashton Williams. All Rights Reserved.



Ashton Williams
P.S. I Love You

Just a Father writing letters to his Daughter—and highly passionate about Spirituality, Inclusivity & Equality.