Dear Daughter: Let’s talk a little bit about finding that special person to love…

Ashton Williams
P.S. I Love You
Published in
5 min readJan 17, 2018


Source: Pixaby

And so, my dear daughter, should we talk a little bit about finding that special person to love?

So, what is it that we all are seeking?

In some way or another, all of us, perhaps (at least, at one time or another) have attempted to find that one true love of our life—that one person whose heart, it seems, is so pure, that once we have found find him or her, we feel complete.

How do we find him or her—and do they really exist?

How does one find such a person?
Where does he or she reside?

Many of us tend to believe (after years of frustrating searches), that he or she, really doesn’t seem to exist anywhere but in the deepest inner recesses of our own hearts and desires. It is my belief that such people can and do exist in reality.

So, where do we find him or her?

I am not so sure…

Unfortunately, your guess is as good as mine.

Although (fearlessly), I do think that I can venture to say that one, typically, won’t find her or him—

—at the local pub or bar scene,
—in the frenetic “3 minute” speed dating aspects of our new supposed 21st century concept of “quick” romance
—nor, even, sadly, in most of the relationships that we each actually do immerse ourselves in and are lucky enough to be involved in.

So, where does one find him or her?

The answer lies more on the inner recesses of our own hearts and desires

The more that I attempt to understand various facets of what makes life and love such an incredible mystical and spiritual, somewhat indefinable and knowable essence of our being—

the more that I have come to believe that much of what we are actually able to experience in life comes, not from the so-called objective realities that we are allowed to be privy to in our day to day existences,

but, rather, more from the incredibly exhilarating (and oftentimes very painful) journeys that we allow ourselves to undergo in navigating that incredible set of visceral exotica that we know and define as life, itself.

It must come from within

Lately, I have been feeling with much more certainty in these later aspects of my own experiences, that life, as we know it, is really much more about the our own journeys, processes and self-healing.

It really isn’t so much about the (somewhat) mundane actual physical manifestations that we tend to think serve as the core of what we think life is really all about.

Okay, so what do I mean here?

Now I may have lost you, my dear daughter, and perhaps left you feeling that, “oh, my goodness, here comes dad, acting as, another self-appointed (somewhat grandiose) ‘mystic,’ who may only be suffering from having his ‘mystical’ head, lost in the clouds.”

If so, my dear daughter, let me try to give you an example of what I mean here—in the exact context of the subject we started out with.

I don’t actually think that finding someone whose heart is, truly, pure, someone who has that incredible ability to connect our very soul and essence to a higher being and feeling is a pursuit about finding that incredible special someone—as much as it is about, actually, finding our own inner heart and core.

Finding our own “inner” heart and core

So, what do I mean by that?

What I think I mean is that the factual reality is not so much that there are so few, if any, men and women out there, whose heart (s) are so pureno, what I think I have now come to believe is that a better way to evaluate this incredibly meaningful question, is to realize that, actually,

—when we take the time and effort to look deep down inside our very own selves,
—feel our pains,
—exhilarate in our joys,
—when we also then allow ourselves to, truly, be alone with ourselves,

then through this incredible process of self-healing, we are able to, truly, open our heart (s), and allow for that incredible, beautiful, mystical someone, her or him, to now come and enter our lives.

So, do we have it all backwards?

In other words, silly beings that we are, do we have it all backwards?

We spend all our lifetimes seeking and writing, dreaming and praying, for that one special someone to come and find us, who can share our lives with us and, thereby, hopefully, make them more complete.

We then write tomes and tomes regarding the sad fact (documented in eons of man-made (and woman-made) gorgeous poetry and prose over countless millennia), that such a true love, seemingly, seems to never be attainable, and, possibly, may not even exist.

No, I don’t think so—true love actually really is “attainable

And yet, my dear daughter, I do believe that, ironically, the answer is all within our very own selves.

Seeking (and commiserating) all our lives, we will never find her (or him), that one for us whose heart is so pure.

What we have to do is really look inside.

Look inside — and then he or she will arrive

Yet, turn inside ourselves, self-examining, honouring our souls and our inner connections to that Higher Being (however, or whatever, we want to define that as), then, almost, as if a miracle, from Him/Her/It, what comes and enters our lives, is, in fact, nothing short of that incredible woman or man, whose heart is so pure that he or she is able to virtually enthrall us with his or her ability to actually love us.

Is this the true magic of the Universe?

A Heart that is Pure, so Serenely Self-Assure

This, then, I would humbly submit is the true meaning of the man or woman whose heart is pure:

A heart is P.U.R.E. when it is—

(P) urposeful
(U) nique
(R) omantic and
(E) thereal

And the H.E.A.R.T. itself, my dear daughter, I would submit stands for—

(H) eavenly
(E) xistence and
(A) ffirmation (of this oh so very)
(R) eal
(T) ruth

A Heart that is Pure, so Serenely Assure

I share this with you, my dear daughter, wondering what are your perceptions — and what do you think the answer(s) might be?


© 2018 Ashton Williams. All Rights Reserved.



Ashton Williams
P.S. I Love You

Just a Father writing letters to his Daughter—and highly passionate about Spirituality, Inclusivity & Equality.