Dear Daughter: The Revenge of the So-called “Nerd Girl”

Ashton Williams
P.S. I Love You
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2018
Source: Pixaby

I was remembering with some fondness the other day some amazing discussions — and an event, in particular about the so-called “Nerd Girl”.

Seems she was really bright — and, therefore, of course, considered to be totally of the “Nerd” category while growing up through middle school and high school.

Banding Together

I give her a lot of credit because though I am sure that it was probably killing her inside (especially during adolescence), she never let it show. In fact, I remember her proudly joining up with a couple of other girls and actually naming themselves “The Nerd Squad”!

At least — though she was shunned by the rich and socially driven other girls in the class — since she was so bright — there was at least an element of respect that flowed through to her.

Since she was such a nice person, very gentle, very kind — so, some other more “true” friends were able to see that in her.

I was remembering with some fondness the other day some amazing discussions — and an event, in particular about the so-called “Nerd Girl”.

I give her a lot of credit because though I am sure that it was probably killing her inside (especially during adolescence), she never let it show.

In fact, I remember her proudly joining up with a couple of other girls and actually naming themselves “The Nerd Squad”!

Oh, But Adolescence Hurts

But, of course, adolescence being what it is — we knew that inside the pain was certainly being felt—as she shared with me from time to time.

Worst of all was the one horrible year early on—where she was “shunned” quite a bit and had to eat lunch all alone for most of the year.

That was just horrible.

Thank God though—that year finally passed!

The Day She Changed It All

And, then — and I remember it so well — there was the day; I think she was a junior in High School at the time.

She was going to go to Homecoming — which at this particular school was kind of a big deal.

Maybe it was just the time in her life, but she felt she needed to do something really different. She decided to go for a major change, something that might really shock everyone.

We dug up—

an old, amazing, very cool, leather suede jacket,
some old Steve McQueen aviator glasses,
and some killer boots (as she was always a bit lean and slim).

I think she even slicked her long hair back a bit — and off she went.

I remember being so in awe of her courage that day.

What Transpired

So, we waited with baited breath to hear how her sojourn had been that day.

Back she came — modest, as she always was — with just a kind of wry smile on her face.

Then, she started telling us about it.

And, oh, my goodness…

“Who the Hell is She?!”

She said that she had gone over to the football field, stands all filled up. The “It” girls of course in full assembly — and guys hanging around the field, along with the players, of course, themselves.

She said that she just sort of walked along the field — and noticed that people were staring — staring, just staring.

Then, she saw some of the girls in the stands start to look at one another, whisper, looking very puzzled, in fact.

Then, a guy — whom she knew was literally in her class — came up to her and asked, “So, are you visiting our school today?”

He had absolutely no clue that it was the “Nerd Girl,” at all!

Some flirting — God, he may have even asked her for a date; he had absolutely not a clue! Some other guys came over too.

And, the piece de resistance was not — the girls bringing her down, shaming her, etc. — but, they, too, were being left in the dust equally as “clueless”.

Who was this girl?

The Value of Being Real

But, best of all—the “Nerd Girl” just recited everything with great joy and glee, but not pompously, and not losing her head over it.

No, not at all.

Because the “Nerd Girl” knew that she really relished the moment — it was definitely rad— but, in the end, it didn’t mean much more to her than that.

She didn’t take it for more than what it is. She didn’t change her style the next day.

Since, she knew the value of real friends, and real relationships, and real people in life.

She simply went back to being her true self, the “Nerd Girl.”

But now with an extra element of self-confidence.

And she certainly did leave quite an impression.

What are your remembrances, Dear Daughter, and thoughts about all that?


© 2018 Ashton Williams. All Rights Reserved.



Ashton Williams
P.S. I Love You

Just a Father writing letters to his Daughter—and highly passionate about Spirituality, Inclusivity & Equality.