Do Love and Logic Mix?

The seven rules for dating with an open heart and a smart mind

Beth Louise
P.S. I Love You


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

It’s no mistake that the Latin origin of the word confusing (adj.) means to mingle together. Dating, or mingling, in 2020 is just that. Confusing.

In the past few years, romantic connection has been completely transformed by apps and shifting social norms. If you add the challenge of getting close to potential partners during a global pandemic, it’s a recipe for confused singles. Plus, being open to true love doesn’t really gel well with the 21st century gold standard of appearing permanently chill even when we’re interested. As we navigate this new frontier, one dilemma is ever present in my mind.

Can love and logic ever really co-exist?

Is it possible to achieve the balance of staying unattached and sensible in a commoditised dating market, while genuinely being open to a deeper connection? And if your heart is open, how do you not fall in love with every man and his dog along the way?

After my long term relationship ended last year, I took a hiatus to recalibrate. When I got back on the dating scene, I started to observe some curious changes. Dating was not what it used to be. And when I had my heart broken a few times, I realised I had to rethink the whole equation. After a lot of reflection…



Beth Louise
P.S. I Love You

Adventures of a metaphysical girl in a material world. Instagram @21xseven