Date Questions to Escape the Friend Zone

How to go from “Hello” to “Good morning”

May Pang
P.S. I Love You


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

“Getting a date is the easy part,” Sam moaned.

I wasn’t surprised. With his striking blue eyes and chiseled jaw packaged into 6 feet of pure muscle, I could definitely see dates coming easily to him. It also helped that Sam was outgoing, hilarious, and kind.

“So what’s the problem?” I asked.

“So, here’s how the last few dates have gone. I meet a girl, we like each other, we talk for hours. It’s fun and enjoyable. Then, it’s the end of the night and I feel like I’ve made another great friend and am no closer to finding a girlfriend. How do I make the conversation romantic?” Sam looks at me with the earnest curiosity of a student on the first day of class.

“Ahhh, so it’s the conversion from friend to romantic interest that you’re struggling with?” I pondered.

“Yes!! Conversion! How do I get her to talk about her heart?” Sam jumped up excitedly.

“What do you guys talk about for hours?” I asked.

“You know — what we like reading, philosophy, hobbies, where we grew up, favorite restaurants, our jobs. The worst part is I know she’s attracted to me too but after a couple of dates like that…well, it’s the friend zone for me.”



May Pang
P.S. I Love You

Combining Storytelling with Science. Communication & Connection Coach. Would love to hear from you!💗 💙 Based in Boulder, CO.