Happy 1st Birthday, Louis

Alissa Peronto
P.S. I Love You
Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2017


It’s been one year since we met each other. Can you believe that, Bubba? I have to be honest with you, I’m a little scared by how fast our year went.

I thought our time together would be the exception — that the earth would spin a little slower for us, but it’s making laps even quicker than before. I steal all the moments I can and I’m keeping them in my back pocket for the long-haul: the sounds of your baby-babble; the way your curls pop out over your ears; the way you waddle when you walk; the way you laugh with smiley eyes, open-mouthed grin and 2.5 bottom front teeth. Oh, I can hold on to them, I think.

If there was a way to imprint your laugh on this page I would. If there was a way to save the smell of your baby breath, I would. If I could keep you this age forever, I might.

So, Lou, since I’m really grasping how quick the years might fly, I want to share a few things. You might not understand these yet and I’ll likely repeat them in the next seventeen-years, but they are lessons I want to share today.

  1. Love. Love people, love yourself, love God, love the planet, love animals, and then love some more. And when you think you’re doing a good job of that then it probably means there’s someone to share a little of that love with. I’m still learning what love looks like, because it will take different shapes and forms throughout life and circumstances, but you’ll figure it out along the way — just love your way through it.
  2. There’s never too much forgiveness. Forgive others and forgive yourself. It might take you a few trips around the block before you can do it, and you might not ever grasp the “whys” but I promise that you’ll be freer if you can put down your pointer finger and embrace imperfections — we all have them, God uses them, and honestly, nobody wants to be around a judgmental-joe.
  3. Try to find joy in the little things. Enjoy people for who they are. And most importantly, enjoy yourself — you’ll spend a lot of time with yourself and should know how to hum your way through a quiet walk. I don’t know what your favorite things will be, but have a lot of them. Joy spills out, so I won’t tell you to smile because that will happen naturally with a happy heart.
  4. Work through the hard times. Some seasons of brokenness are short, some are long, and few are permanent. There isn’t always a positive angle or good advice in a bad situation — just listening can do a world of good. (Your Dad and I are always happy to offer an ear). Sorrow has an ugly face but don’t be afraid to walk through it.
  5. Be present. Looking ahead is important, reflecting on the past is healthy, but try to mostly stay here and immerse yourself in the now. Time is fleeting — soak up the little moments because they are what makes life full.
  6. Be you. If you like someone, tell them. If you want to share an answer, raise your hand. If you want to dance, do the damn thing! Express yourself — I think that’s a good telltale sign that you’re accepting yourself. And then repeat instruction #1: love yourself for who you are.

So there it is — that’s what I know so far. And as for the future, this is what I know: my heart will continue to spill over as I watch you laugh and learn, our life will be so full as you continue to grow into yourself, and the world will know a little more joy with your smile in it. Never stop waving at the mailman and keep on shaking your booty to the music — one day we’ll show you how to really snap while you sway.

Thanks for coming into our world one year ago and for making us the happiest, luckiest parents. We love you, Louis Robert Peronto.

All the love, Mom



Alissa Peronto
P.S. I Love You

feeling like one of the lucky ones || writing for fun