Her Grief, Immeasurable

Desher Hyland
P.S. I Love You
Published in
4 min readDec 17, 2018


To be human is to grieve. When you have a gift greatly cherished, an aspiration insurmountably achieved, a person passionately loved, or a foundation deeply rooted, you have wonderful strength and peace.

But you are also vulnerable. And when you experience its loss, it can be so powerful, so overwhelming — and so surprising — that you become incapable of anything and collapse on the floor. Grief is a force that grasps harder than any person, pulling the strongest of us apart. It is a quintessential, necessary part of our humanity. But it is horrific.

When you walk through it and come out the other side, you have the experience of having deeply grieved. And like many experiences, you can use them to help or support those you love when they experience it. This is part of the beauty of family.

But grief…oh, how slippery and beguiling an emotion it is. No two griefs are the same. What causes it, how to experience it, how it hurts and ruins a person, how one copes, and how one emerges. A grief is incredibly different from another grief within a person, and at least as different from person to person.

In fact, one of the only consistent truths is that you don’t emerge. You never regain what was lost, and the grief is feeling the absence of what you held so dear. The greater the space your loss took up in your life or your heart…



Desher Hyland
P.S. I Love You

I write from passion. I write to inspire. I write for hope.